Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Dead And The Undead

History is replete with examples of marginalized people and people groups who have suffered genuine injustices.  Women have often found themselves at a disadvantage politically and economically in societies across the planet and throughout time.  They still do in most of the non-westernized, non-industrialized world (though progressive fabulists will have you believe that it is largely a crime of the west and that we should somehow look to times and places that in reality still suffer some of the worst human rights abuses).  Brown (or "black") people have suffered in the West in recent centuries without a doubt.  No serious minded student of history denies this, shockingly even among the vast majority of "right" leaning members of society who are accused of hate for "people of color" (as if being non-brown makes one what?... clear?...).  But long before the majority of oppressed races in the west were brown, there were millennia of white people oppressing other white people... and brown people oppressing brown people.  White people from the West (along with the brown members of their societies) have been getting in the way of brown on brown genocides and human rights debacles in Africa and Asia regularly for over a century now, unless we are progressive, and then we don't talk about that.

The point is, that serious people don't deny that marginalization has happened, and still happens, and that it is wrong.  Where progressives and non-progressives differ, is largely a matter of how we determine wrong from right.  And that makes all the difference. 

Justice the thing that is wanting when a marginalized group is oppressed (which means THIS).  But 

not all discrimination is bad. Marginalizing bad things and bad actors is good - we may differ on what is bad and good, but the problem then becomes not whether we should marginalize, but rather what we marginalize based on what is objectively true.  There is the rub, as, leftism is so often woven inextricably with relativism that truth is thrown out the window in favor of political power based ultimately on the idol of self.  We have the law of the jungle by any other name, and human history is replete with examples of the horror that follows that. 

It has been observed that there is nothing new to learn, but only to be retaught to each new generation.  What we find here, is that while we have buried the leftist wight many times before, we have to keep facing the ravenous hunger of the thing that rises from the grave over and over, making more undead in it's wake.  This is a political zombie apocalypse, and we are in the midst of that war.

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